Thursday, January 27, 2011

Collections: Part One

As I was ironing tablecloths today, my mind began to wander and I thought about my many collections -- vintage tablecloths for one. I started a mental inventory of the collections I house and began to others collect too? And so, I thought I would share with you some of my collections and ask, "What do you collect?"

I have collected McCoy Pottery for a number of years. I've found many pieces in antique shops, but the bulk of my collection hails from Ebay. I have a few favorite colors and prefer the vases and planters from the 1940's and '50's.

A friend of mine turned me on to the beauty of vintage hankies and I like to display them around the house. You'll notice they share space with McCoy pottery, and a couple of head vases on the shelf above.

Then there are the birthday angels from the 1950's. I collect every July angel that I can find and have received a few as gifts. (You guessed it, I'm a July baby. My first angel was one that I received as a child that hails from the 1960's...I'll bet you can pick it out of the crowd.) I also have a boy angel for each of my sons' birthday months. Hubby is represented too as he shares a birth month with our oldest.

So, there is a peek at some of my collections....more to follow.

What do you collect?

Images © Nancy Lefko


Artsnark said...

what fun! Thanks for a peek into your (dust free- wow!) world, Nancy :D You would have loved the ginormous antiques shop I managed years ago!

I collect too many things - magnifying lenses, letterpress stamps, Zuni fetishes... but mostly dustbunnies

Anonymous said...

Lol! I collect dustbunnies too!

Sueann said...

I collect Gene dolls and kewpies!! Also cloches!
Love your McCoy collection...beautiful!!

Sarah said...

I collect snails! ornaments, plush toys, anything with a snail on it. I can't even remember how this started, but I have collected them since I was a little girl.

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Hello Dear Nancy! I haven't been blog visiting much lately due to lots of silly reasons, but it was so good to come by and see what loveliness you have been up to. So much to celebrate here! Besides your one of a kind gorgeous work, the publications are impressive and no surprise. Congratulations on all that you have accomplished and your well deserved recognition!

You make me want to clear my desk, roll up my sleeves and try some real live paint in my work. So inspiring!

Hope you are well! Love your collections - I would love to sneak in your house and see it all in person. Beautiful! Do you know Linda Crispell? She has many luscious vintage collections too if you're interested in seeing more. Her house has been featured in magazines too - maybe that is your next endeavor!


Becky Bunn said...

Your collection of McCoy Pottery is lovely. You have some great pieces. My fancy is hand:)

Becky Shander said...

Looking at your collection of vases I'm loving the color combination of warm butter yellow with pink lemonade. And when it comes to what I like to collect, this changes as my interests change...right now I'm into everything so it's hard to pick just a few. It's also hard holding back (I try not to buy every single special thing that I see or want.)

Ginger*:) said...

Each collection is so lovely. Each has a place of its own.... and as I look at them I see some similarities in a few pieces that I have kept as treasures. You certianly have given us a wonderful treat!