Don't you just love it when you discover the absolute best place to find the most feminine women's dresses? And isn't it even better when they are stylish dresses that cover enough skin to make you really feel comfortable without wearing a tank top, cardigan or long slip? Shabby Apple has all that and more!

When you visit the Shabby Apple website you'll see their lovely white dresses, vintage-inspired dresses, even little girl dresses and maternity dresses too. Make sure you take a peek at their fabulous jewelry and accessories, swim and fitness wear; and did I mention the retro aprons? Too cute!

Shabby Apple is proud to offer you fantastic dresses that allow you to look fabulous, without having to compromise anything else. You know how I love all things vintage, so it's such a treat for me to find a company that offers such classic designs in women's attire. And they have generously offered the beautiful dress pictured below to one of my lovely readers!

To enter to win this fun and flirty dress, a gorgeous combination of pomegranate and tangerine, simply visit the Shabby Apple website and then leave a comment here telling me which dress and/or accessory is your favorite. (Contest is limited to US residents and there will be no exchanges for the winning dress.)
Additional entries for the following (leave a new comment each time telling me you have done so):
~ LIKE Shabby Apple on Facebook in order to get in on special promotions and exclusive discounts!
~ FOLLOW Shabby Apple on Twitter and tweet about the giveaway!
~ LIKE Nancy Lefko Collage Art on Facebook
~ SUBSCRIBE to My Collage Art Newsletter
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL....Shabby Apple has also been so kind as to offer my readers a 10% discount that is good for the next 30 days! Simply use the coupon code "mycollageart10off" to receive your discount.
So head on over to Shabby Apple and check out all the goodies and then come back here to enter and enter again! Make sure that I have a way to contact you, should you be the lucky winner! The contest ends at midnight EST on Friday June 10th. Good luck!
Disclosure: Dress will be supplied and shipped by Shabby Apple.
I love the brown wrap dress. Thanks for sharing
I like Shabby Apple on FB already
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I follow your FB
I subscribed to your newsletter and can't wait for it.
I love Shabby Apple! My favorites are "Bonheur" and "Bon Voyage," but all their clothes are gorgeous. I'd love to win - thanks for the giveaway!
I "liked" Shabby Apple on Facebook!
I am following Shabby Apple on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway!
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my favorite dress right now is the gondola! kristinmik at gmail
i "like" shabby apple on fb! kristinmik at gmail
i follow shabby apple on twitter too! (@imsimplykristin) - kristinmik at gmail
i "like" you on fb too! kristinmik at gmail
i like the Avery Amozonite earrings intime@myself.com
trade winds is gorgeous! love shabby apple!
i like shabby apple on facebook!
I like the Pina Colada dress
I follow Shabby Apple on twitter
I loove this dress: http://www.shabbyapple.com/p-743-mariposa-grove.aspx
chaiconversations at gmail dot com
I like Shabby Apple on facebook!
I follow Shabby Apple on Twitter!
great shop! Love the Looking glass necklace: http://www.shabbyapple.com/p-689-through-the-looking-glass.aspx
Already "Like" you, Nancy ;)
Subscribe to your newsletter too
I love the Overboard dress!
layla12 at gmail dot com
I follow Shabby Apple on twitter!
I like Shabby Apple on FB.
I love Shabby Apple! My favorite is the Tanglewood, however all their dresses are beautiful!
I absolutely LOVE the apron strings maternity dress. Can't wait to be able to get it (fingers crossed!)
I liked shabby apple on Facebook!
I subscribed to my college art newsletter!!!!
I liked Nancy Lefko college art on Facebook!!
(after creating a twitter account) I am now following shabby apple on twitter and tweeted (for the first time ever) about the giveaway!
Should I be the lucky winner email me!!! llucha04@hotmail.com
Good luck to everyone!!!!!!
I love the l'amour dress!!
I also like shabby apple on facebook!
And I follow shabby apple on twitter! http://twitter.com/#!/busterae/status/76396769986088961
I love the 24K dress! So cute!!!
Follow Shabby Apple on facebook!
following them on Twitter too!
I love every single dress Shabby Apple has, and infact just bought two from them. I'm in LOVE with the Overboard dress, and am trying to talk myself out of another purchase!
I love Che Bella. What a fabulous dress.
I follow you on facebook.
I subscribed to your newsletter.
how can you pick just one favorite? i love them all! i love how original they are, you can't find modest dresses this cute anywhere else!
krista-manning at hotmail dot com
i follow shabby apple on facebook
Oh my love for the trapeze dress is long and enduring...
I already like SA on facebook! (it's how I found you!)
i like the da vinci dress
stigay at aol.com
i follow SA on fb (sarah hirsch)
i follow SA on twitter @stigay
I love their 5th Ave dress!
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook!
I follow Shabby Apple on Twitter!
I love all their dresses! Especially the Gondola one!
I also follow Shabby Apple on facebook!
I like the Pina Colada dress. http://www.shabbyapple.com/p-926-pina-colada.aspx
I just "liked" Shabby Apple.
I just "liked" Nancy Lefko Collage Art.
I just subscribed to your newsletter.
i think cider is my favorite dress :)
and i already like SA on FB
and now i like you on FB too :)
Love the Cider and the Marseilles!
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook
(as AdrianeCoros)
I really like the Pina Colada
I like nancy Lefko Collage Art on Facebook
(as AdrianeCoros)
It is so hard to choose one, but I love the beauty mark dress! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I like them on FB! "Crave to Save"
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow them on twitter! @crazyitalian0
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the Trade Winds dress
blog- http://momdaughterstyle.blogspot.com/
I liked Shabby Apple in FB
I liked Nancy Lefko Collage Art on Facebook
I followed Shabby Apple on Twitter
I tweeted about your giveaway @MomandRC
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ok, I checked out their website again, and now I am entering this contest again lol. I hope I win. I also love this dress-- Mary Jane Watson
I love the giraffe style dress, and the sailor dress, oh I love them all! babymakingmachine(at) gmail.com
I like them on fb!
I like the Gondola dress. Thanks for the giveaway!
mrs.marcus2 at yahoo dot com
I also like the Cotton Candy Dress
Like Shabby Apple on FB~Deb S
Follow Shabby Apple on Twitter~Deb55106
I like you on FB~Deb S
Loving the belle and beast dress. oohlala!
I like Shabby Apple on FB!
love this dress, may just have to order it!
I liked them on fb
I already follow you:-)
and I subscribe to your newsletter:-)
I love the Cider dress. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I'm following Shabby Apple on Twitter (@anylit) and tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/anylit/status/77879395162914816
I like the G. Cooper dress!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Like Shabby Apple on FB!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Following Shabby Apple on Twitter (@sazzyfrazzy)!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Like you on FB!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Subscribed to your newsletter!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I love their sheep meadow dress!
I liked them on facebook!
I like the North Shore dress!
Liked Shabby Apple on FB
Primavera--definately a good combo between Shabby Apple styling and Amy Butler fabric.
kaosh at knology dot net
PS--Liked Shabby Apple on Facebook.
kaosh at knology dot net
I love the Big Easy dress! I love them all!
I am a follower of yours (I subscribe).
I am a follower of yours (I subscribe).
I like shabby apple on Facebook
I liked Collage art on facebook, too!
My favorite is the Ahoy! dress :)
Also, I liked shabby apple on FB!
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