As an artist and instructor, Pam never disappoints. She always brings a new twist to a medium or technique and can really get the creative juices flowing. In this workshop, she guides the learner in using previously created journal pages as collage fodder for new pages. Pages with their own unique voice.
The journal page pictured above was created using bits and pieces from the pages below. Some pages, you will see, were printed in black & white, not in their original color; another is from my "Shades of Gray" journal (another class taken with Pam) and there is also a scan of a background from a page in progress.

I encourage you to sign up for these wonderful, and free (yes, FREE) online classes. What a great way to while away a snowy afternoon.

Gracious thanks to Pam and Strathmore!
©Nancy Lefko
Such great pieces, Nancy!! The originals and the new piece. I checked out the classes and they look wonderful! I hope to have some time next week to watch some of the videos... :-) Silke
I love the new piece!!
Great composition!!
Wonderful journal pages Nancy...I agree....love the Strathmore classes and videos.
I am loving this workshop! I love using photocopies of my own work to create a new piece- so personal.
Oooh,your journal page turned out great. I am doing that workshop too...not loving my result. try,try again.
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