I have never been one to keep a writing journal filled with my innermost thoughts. And I had never even given a second thought to keeping an art journal...until now. I am currently taking an
online workshop in Art Journaling with the very talented
Pam Carriker. Pam frequently shares her journal pages on
her blog and I was intrigued by this wonderful form of self-expression and what looked like "plain old fun." Well, I'm hooked. There is something wonderfully "freeing" about this business of "art journaling." There is no right or wrong, no concern over "saleability," no critic waiting in the wings. It is art for art's sake and it really is "plain old fun!"
If you have ever toyed with the notion of keeping an art journal I strongly recommend
Pam's workshop. It is easy to follow, professionally presented and enables one to work at her own rate.
Below are examples of my journal pages in progress. Thus far, we have completed Lesson Two (but you can join the class at any time and not miss a beat.) These pages will be further embellished as we go along. So come on along and join the fun!

© Nancy Lefko